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A Senda dos Olhos Entreabertos

(The Path of the Hald-Opened Eyes)

installation/ xerographies, magazine cutouts, tracing paper 180g, dry-point, light boxes with engines, sound boxes, wallpaper, wood plates and frames
220 x 220 x 10 cm

Abstratas Moradas, MUBA - Museu Belas Artes, em São Paulo (2018)

Photo credits: Malu Kazi (photos), Junae Andreazza (edition), Yllan Carvalho (filmagem)

The installation A Senda dos Olhos Entreabertos (The Path of the Half-opened Eyes, 2018) is composed of xerographic images made with the overlapping of magazine clippings, having as a compositional guideline the narrative structure of the Byzantine icons. The set in a corner and the low-key lighting environment correspond to domestic sanctuaries and intimate prayer spaces. The images, which are apparently black and hidden, are revealed by the continuous traversing of a narrow beam of light behind each of them. This rhythm accompanies the sound of engines and funeral songs. By considering the components of the artwork, as well as artistic and theoretical references, this research investigates the ritualistic potential of past and present images, the convergences and divergences between digital and analogical means and the places of memory in the contemplation of sacred images and in the contemporary communication through images.

This artwork and the corresponding article were attributed to the Bachelor of Visual Arts as a graduation conclusion project.




A Senda dos Olhos Entreabertos: A Imagem que aparece e o ritual que sobrevive

Nicole Koutsantonis, 2018, oriented by prof. Leandro Roman

BA in Visual Arts, Centro Universitário Belas Artes de São Paulo

©2024 Nicole Kouts

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