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(The Annunciation of the Digital Angels)
Digital panel created to integrate the platform
"10 Desertos de Erros" (10 Deserts of Errors)
Direction: Leo Caobelli / Apoio: Rumos Itaú Cultural
The sacred exists in the heart of those who feel. When crossing the dense clouds of the celestial screen, compositions of a vivid nature are presented. This is a dream? This is real? In order not to get lost, you have to walk along a path of waterfalls and crystalline lakes, which reflect the intense sunlight blazing in a bucolic landscape ad aeternum. Iridescent beings emerge from the soft mist and enjoy a peaceful, silent existence shrouded in riddles. They are reflections of static moments of celebration of life. Figures without ballast, which, together, are reborn. And the trumpets finally announce: the Lost Paradise has been found! I saw angels in the digital clouds!
A ANUNCIAÇÃO DOS ANJOS DIGITAIS (The Annunciation of the Digital Angels, 2022) is a Desert of Errors composed by the fusion of more than 50 photos chosen from thousands of files found (or lost) in 8 HDs of different origins. The categories for the selection of the images that made up this digital panel were: nature landscapes, birthday parties, sacred objects, decorative sculptures, toys, ornaments, props and costumes. Items that were somehow present in the photo folders of all hard drives.

10 Deserto de Erros (10 Deserts of Errors/ Direction: Leo Caobelli):
"(...) Another edition of the digital platform developed through the archeology of obsolete media. Its archive consists of more than two hundred HDs rescued from electronic waste recycling warehouses and whose content was recovered. The site has 10 editions , each one composed of 1 digital zine, containing images and sound. Each edition was directed by Leo Caobelli in collaboration with 10 other visual artists. The soundtrack was composed by Leo together with 3 sound artists. (...)"
*free translation
Interview by Laura Rago, about A Anunciação dos Anjos Digitais at the project Deserto de Erros, Revista ZUM, 2022 → link
"O interesse do artista gaúcho Leo Caobelli por mídias obsoletas e imagens coletadas de HDs descartados já deu origem a vários trabalhos e pesquisas. A mais recente, batizada de “10 Desertos de Erros”, é uma publicação digital colaborativa com dez artistas convidados por ele: Romy Pocztaruk, Fernanda Medeiros, Gabriel Pessoto, Nicole Kouts, Thomas Kuijpers, Paulo Fehlauer, Joana Burd, Carine Wallauer, Egle Saka e Diego Vidart. A pesquisadora e curadora Laura Rago conversou com Caobelli sobre o projeto “Desertos de Erros” e com Romy Pocztaruk, Nicole Kouts e Gabriel Pessoto sobre os respectivos trabalhos desenvolvidos para a plataforma digital colaborativa.
ZUM é a revista de fotografia contemporânea do Instituto Moreira Salles. ZUM veicula ensaios visuais, artigos e entrevistas de artistas e pensadores nacionais e internacionais sobre fotografia e cultura visual." *to be translated
Entrevista completa no site da revista ZUM: