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NICOLE KOUTS (São Paulo, Brazil, 1997) is a multimedia artist 🔮

She investigates the multidisciplinarity of images as a transport medium of ancient beliefs to contemporary technologies, mediated by analogue-digital combinations and by phantasmagorias of the self and the memory in virtual spaces. Her interest in media archeology and the re-signification of materials stems from an autobiographical imagery referential, as a granddaughter of immigrants, raised between Brazil, Greece and the Internet.

She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Visual Arts, a Postgraduate Degree in Scenography and Costume Design (Centro Universitário Belas Artes de São Paulo) with complementary studies in Art Direction (Academia Internacional de Cinema). She navigates through different languages such as video, performance, photography, installation, collage and net art. She started working with arts in comics blogs and zine collectives, as a teenager. Since then, has illustrated books, album covers and posters for theater plays and festivals, also working with costume and set design.

Her work has been exhibited in more than 20 countries, including Brazil, Greece, Poland, Denmark, Argentina, Guatemala, Mexico, Germany, Venezuela, Iran, France, Serbia, Spain, Czech Republic, Peru, England, Vietnam, United States and New Zealand. She presented the solo exhibitions Mnemotécnicas (2024, Embassy of Brazil in Greece, Athens, Greece), PALAVRA OLHO (2024, Phoenix Athens, Athens, Greece), ENIGMAS (2023, Kunsthal NORD, Aalborg, Denmark) and This message has no body (2021, The Wrong TV).




Post-graduation in Scenography and Costume Design, Centro Universitário Belas Artes de São Paulo (w/ academic scolarship) - São Paulo, Brazil


BA in Visual Arts, Centro Universitário Belas Artes de São Paulo (w/ undergraduate research scholarship) - São Paulo, Brazil



MNEMOTÉCNICAS, Casa do Brasil, Embaixada do Brasil na Grécia - Athens, Greece

PALAVRA OLHO, Phoenix Athens Gallery - Athens, Greece


ENIGMAS, TURBINEGALLERIET, Kunsthal NORD (Nordkraft) - Aalborg, Denmark


This message has no body (Esta mensagem não tem corpo), The Wrong TV (Online)



Dedo Nervoso, Olhos Cansados, Espaço Escada - Ribeirão Preto, Brazil

Video Raymi 2024, Festival Internacional de Videoarte del Cusco, Centro Cultural Pukllasunchis - Cusco, Peru

Over The Real, itinerância do 13º PLAY Festival de Videoarte y Cine experimental, Auditorio San Micheletto Lucca, Italy

Skysstasjonen #nfcdab2024, Near-Field Communication Digital Art Biennale 6th Ed., The Gol Days Festival - Gol, Norway

Manifesto of Memory, 3rd Paxos Biennale - Paxos, Greece

Fragments of interests, POMA - Platforma Otvoreného Media Artu, Mestský Park Košice - Košice, Slovakia

Leise-Park #nfcdab2024, Near-Field Communication Digital Art Biennale 6th Ed. - Berlin, Germany

INTERSPACE, Galeria WY - Łódź, Poland

2da Muestra Incidental (Cine Accidental), La Cineteca Xela - Quetzaltenango, Guatemala

Color Your Dreams, 60Seconds Festival (06 The Wrong Biennale Embassy), Fotografisk Center - Copenhagen, Denmark

#1 PANELINHA, Galeria da Pinacoteca Barão de Santo Ângelo, Instituto de Artes da UFRGS - Porto Alegre, Brazil


2da Muestra Incidental - estos espacios son nuestros (Cine Accidental), Kasa Kapikúa - Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala

Démodé Multimedia Exhibition (STIFF - Student International Film Festival), SKC Gallery - Rijeka, Croatia

\> recent ancient open-source analog encrypted garden memory, The Salon - Loop Art Critique #7, MUD Foundation -, Online

Jumpscare, Espaço Escada - Ribeirão Preto, Brazil

Color Your Dreams Sneek Peek at Skabelonloftet (Culture Night in Copenhagen), 60Seconds Festival - Copenhagen, Denmark

FIC - Frente de Iniciativas Contemporáneas, KAKV Villena Casa de la Cultura KAKV - Villena, Spain

Estande Rede NAMI - Projeto Expansão, ArtRio 2023, Marina da Glória – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

12º PLAY Festival de Videoarte y Cine experimental, Sala del Sol, CCU - Centro Cultural Universitario (Córdoba 794), Corrientes, Argentina

Re-connect Art, International Performance and Multimedia Art Festival: Virtual Body of Society, Prague Biennale Foundation - Prague, Czech Republic

Print Screen, Take Care of the Square Footage), Icebox Project Space - Philalphia, USA

The Unmoving Show, ELO 2023 Overcoming Divides: Electronic Literature and Social Change - Universidade de Coimbra - Coimbra, Portugal

ADAM meets EVE (The Wrong Biennale nº6) - Online

Spktrm Kunstcafé, AbZalon Event Factory - Aalborg, Denmark


Réseaux-mondes @ The Wrong TV, Centre Pompidou - Paris, France

My mama told me I’m experimental, IV Saigon Experimental Film Festival (Satellite Program) - Hanoi, Vietnam

VIII Festival Video nodoCCS 2022, elRAISE - Caracas, Venezuela

10 Desertos de Erros, direção: Leo Caobelli, Rumos Itaú Cultural online

#biennale.NO 2022, online

14º Festivau de C4nn3$ - R4ch4dur4, Casa de Cultura Mário Quintana - Porto Alegre, Brazil

Trocando Figurinhas: 001 - 500, Ateliê 397 - São Paulo, Brazil

Przy-po-Mnie-nia (Re-Me-mbers), Scena Otwarta, UAP - Uniwersytet Artystyczny w Poznaniu - Poznań, Poland

APT.EXT (The Wrong Biennale nº5), Leviatã - São Paulo, Brazil

The 3rd One Hour International Short Film Festival (OHISFF), Papakura Art Gallery - Auckland, New Zealand

Espaço ITI - Exposição Coletiva, Espaço Itinerante - Lisboa, Portugal

Você consegue me ver?, MARP - Museu de Arte de Ribeirão Preto - Ribeirão Preto, Brazil


19ª MUMIA - Mostra Udigrudi Mundial de Animação, Cine Humberto Mauro + MIS Cine Santa Tereza - Belo Horizonte, Brazil

Paadmaan Video Event #2, Sharif Gallery - Tehran, Ihran

PUNTOMOV Órbitas del video - Festival Internacional de Video, Facultad de Artes, UAEMéx - Toluca, Mexico

Embraces: Utopian Proximities (The Wrong Biennale nº5) - Acropolis Remix, Online

The Unmoving Show, (The Wrong Biennale nº5) - Noemata, Online

Tubarões sabem da existência de camelos, Corredor 14 - Pelotas, Brazil

Forever Too Much, To Much Forever, The Wrong TV @ Nuit Blanche Paris 2021 (Wonderland Paris) - Paris, France

Punk Cinema Festival 2021, Punk Cinema Festival - Athens, Greece

MUTA - V Festival Internacional de Apropiación Audiovisual, MUTA Festival (Lima, Peru) - Online

LKTV Season 2, LinoKino Media Arts Collective - Twitch Broadcast + Hot Bed Micro Gallery - Philadelphia, USA

VIDEOPARK Festival - Hospitable Utopia, Visual Artist Association of Užice (UVUU) + Improper Walls - Galerija Reflektor - Užice, Serbia

AMID SPACE(s), MUNI Faculty of Arts/ Masaryk Filozofická Fakulta + TIM - Teorie Interaktivních Médií (Brno, República Tcheca) - Online

Living Spaces – space for life​!, Videokanava - Videokanava Online Gallery + Art Fair Suomi - Helsinki, Finland

Second Wave, COVIDEO19 - Online

PloktaTV SE/02 - ‘The Hidden Life of Technology’, PLOKTA - Press Lots of Keys to Abort (Amsterdam, Netherlands) - TV Broadcast

My Pandemic Year: Film Screening, WORM (Rotterdam, Netherlands) - Online

Return of the GIF!, Anonymous Waves + White Page Gallery - Online

Mapping the Cartographic, + Stiftung Museum Kunstpalast + Museum Ulm - Online


45º SARP - Salão de Arte de Ribeirão Preto Nacional-Contemporâneo, MARP - Museu de Arte de Ribeirão Preto - Ribeirão Preto, Brazil

FRESTA - Mostra de Audiovisual Experimental - 5ª Edição, Instituto de Artes, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (FURG) - Online

System Failure. Please Restart, CETI Gallery of The Future - Online

Covid 1984, SPAMM - The Super Modern Art Museum - Online

12º Festivau de C4nn3$ - A marcha audiovisual, Festivau de c4ann3$ (Brasil) - Online

OnlineBlush, OnlinePlayroom Cybergallery - Online

http://2020/data-as-symbolic-form/exchange, http://hypertransfer-protocol - Online

Game of Life + Installation Island, ACAI - Animal Crossing Artificial Intelligence Workshop - Online

Where's The Remote?, Sits Still Project (New England, USA) - Online

A Fronteira, Espaço Apis (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) - Online

0202.2020.SPACE, Streaming (hosted in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Seoul, Amsterdam, Barcelona and Athens) - Online

On-Off Moving Image Festival, Noemata + 60Seconds  (Valencia, Spain and Gol, Norway) - Online + Public spaces


The Wrong Epicentre, Itinerant - Valencia, Spain

InAbsentia (The Wrong Biennale nº4), Semiosphera - Itinerant, Foggia, Italy

Megalith (The Wrong Biennale nº4), MetamerLabs - Svalbard, Norway

Virtual Ritornello (The Wrong Biennale nº4) - Itinerant, California, USA

The Screen - The Laboratory of Dissident: Inside Outside, Chapel Arts Studios, Winchester School of Arts - Winchester, England

11º Festivau de C4nn3$ - DDD Volt4 P4r4 LOS Año$ 20, Galpão Terra - São Paulo, Brazil

TIMELINE: BH#5 - Festival Internacional de Video Arte, CineSesc - Belo Horizonte, Brazil

Mudhouse Residency Exhibition, Agios Ioannis - Crete, Greece

48º Salão de Artes Novíssimos, Galeria de Arte Ibeu - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Rotas Belas Artes, SP-Arte, Fundação Bienal de São Paulo - São Paulo, Brazil

1MINUTO - Tema Livre (Destaque), Festival do Minuto (Brazil) - Online

2º Festival de Pintura, Instituto de Artes, Universidade Estadual de São Paulo (UNESP) - São Paulo, Brazil


MADA - 1ª Mostra Audiovisual do Barreiro, Viaduto das Artes - Belo Horizonte, Brazil

Abstratas Moradas, MUBA - Museu Belas Artes - São Paulo, Brazil

Cosmovisión Femenina, Capiusa Centro Creativo - Cidade da Guatemala, Guatemala

CompartiArte - 5ª Edição, Centro Britânico Brasileiro - São Paulo, Brazil

Rotas Belas Artes, SP-Arte, Fundação Bienal de São Paulo - São Paulo, Brazil


3ª Mostra BA, Espaço di Grado, Centro Universitário Belas Artes de São Paulo - São Paulo, Brazil


Novas Impressões, Oficina Cultural Oswald de Andrade - São Paulo, Brazil



Phoenix Athens Residency, Phoenix Athens - Athens, Greece


LAC - Loop Art Critique #7, MUD Foundation INC (Miami, USA) - Online


2º Temos Vagas!, Ateliê 397 - São Paulo, Brazil


Mudhouse Residency, Agios Ioannis - Creta, Greece



Revista PISCINA #1, OCULUS, by Nicole Kouts, p. 93. Edited by Paula Plee, co-edited by Ana Roman link

Unarchiving Digital Angels with Nicole Kouts, interview by Lana Martires and Andreas Zingerle / Netzrauschen ( and Radio Helsinki Graz → link

WEB ARTE NO BRASIL, Trocando figurinhas: instruções by Gabriel Pessoto and Nicole Kouts, text by Fábio Oliveira Nuneslink

Current Internet art? Net art died but is doing well!, fabiofon[dot]com (Trocando figurinhas at The Wrong Biennale em 6:26)  link


Hackeando o poder: Táticas de guerrilha para artistas do Sul global, @e__madonna, by Nicole Kouts - Rede NAMI (org.), Editora Cobogó
(Hacking the power: Guerrilla Tactics for Artists from the Global South)

Entrevista com Nicole Kouts, ItsaPPLaT, work developed by Natacha Lamournier in the residency iM KONSTHALL (Moskosel Creative Lab, Sweden)link

Glitch Art BR 2022 Org. Cleber Gazana, Chapter 2 - Reflexões Erráticas Sobre Arte Para A Internet, by Fabio FON p. 08 - Deserto de Erros link


Deserto do real, interview by Laura Rago, about A Anunciação dos Anjos Digitais in the project Deserto de Erros, Revista Zum link

Revista USO 7: revista de literatura e artes visuais, do clássico ao vulgar (07/2022) link

O IR E VIR DAS IMAGENS, text by Gabriel Bogossian, Trocando Figurinhas: 001 - 500 (Gabriel Pessoto and Nicole Kouts) link
PrtScn: The Lazy Art of Screenshot, Isolamento no Olimpo, by Nicole Kouts (p. 12 and 13), INC Zine #4, Institute of Network Cultures
Editor: Dunja Nešovic - Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (2022)


Bem Web Art Special Episode: The Wrong Biennale nº5, fabiofon[dot]com (DATASHOW in 6:06)  link

Como perguntar tudo?, Revista TONEL - 3rd Editionlink

WEB ARTE NO BRASIL, Ser Internet, text by Fábio Oliveira Nunes → link

REVISTA TÊMPERA, Vol. 3, Nº 11, Ser Internet, by Nicole Kouts and Veronica Laminarca (p. 131 and 132, Grupo Têmpera, Brazil) link


As distâncias entre nós, by Carollina Lauriano, Residência TemosVagas! 2, Ateliê 397 - São Paulo, Brazil  link

Visual Dialogues with Nicole Kouts and Gabriel Pessoto, interview by Julianne Cordray - ArtConnect Magazine link


Catálogo - Salão Novíssimos 2019, by Filippi Fernandes, p. 6-7, curated by Cesar Kiraly - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil  link



Mnemotécnicas by Nicole Kouts, Talk and guided visit at the exhibition with the Escola de Verão Brasileira na Grécia - Embassy of Brazil in Greece


Digital Art, Semana de Comunicação e Multimeios, PUC-SP - Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (São Paulo, Brazil)


Critical Costume 2022, Flash-Talk: Collaborative creation of costumes and artistic interconnections for the theatrical-circus performance

Nicole Kouts and Veridiana Piovezan

#NewAncientHyperMedia, UAEMéx - Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México (Toluca, Mexico)


Construção de Portfolio, Centro Universitário Belas Artes de São Paulo (São Paulo, Brazil)



Open Call Correspondence: "trocando figurinhas: operação piloto", a collaboration with the artist Gabriel Pessoto - Award by ArtConnect Magazine

Sleep Mode - Installation Island, comissioned work in partnership with ACAI - Animal Crossing Artificial Intelligence Workshop


1MINUTO, featured video in the category Tema Livre (Free Team), Festival do Minuto, Brazil


MARP - Museu de Arte de Ribeirão Preto - Ribeirão Preto, Brazil

Homeostasis Lab - Digital Archive

SPAMM - Super Modern Art Museum - Digital Archive


Eidolon: the shadows and phantasmagorias of a videographic body-spectrumlink
Móin-Móin - Revista de Estudos sobre Teatro de Formas Animadas (UDESC) - v. 2 n. 25 (2021): Teatro de Animação, ecologia e sustentabilidade


DATASHOW is a website dedicated to the articulation of ideas about art, media and digital culture through online shows and projects. Conducted in partnership with the artist João VRC link

2023 - 2024

Fotossíntese (Photosynthesis), Online Pavillion (The Wrong Biennale nº6)

2021 - 2022

Objeto Virtual Não Identificado, Online Pavillion (The Wrong Biennale nº5)

Mostra Melhores Minutos 2020, Festival do Minuto

The White Page Gallery Network, Independent network of online galleries

2019 - 2020

Tráfico de Influência, Online Pavillion (The Wrong Biennale nº4)​


2015 - 2023
Artes Visuais: attended the series of workshops Drawing is political (Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Austria) and was a participant in the drawing group Kunstens Tegneklub (Kunsten Museum of Modern Art Aalborg, Denmark) and the drawind sessions of Miejska Galeria Sztuki w Łodzi (Łódź, Poland). Studied Performance and Xerography, with Paulo Bruscky; Cutout Notebooks, with Lourenço Mutarelli; Visual Thought, with Carlos Fajardo; Printed Image, with Augusto Sampaio; Woodcut, with J. Borges and Drawing, with Márcia de Moraes, in cultural institutions such as SESC-SP and Oficina Cultural Oswald de Andrade (São Paulo).

Artes Cênicas: Amplifying Sensory Materiality, com Donatella Barbieri (DAMU - Theatre Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague, República Tcheca, PQ/Prague Quadriennale 2023), Costume Design, with Veridiana Piovezan; Contemporary Scenography, with Marcelo Denny; Artistic Masks, with Gigi Manfrinato and Sewing Techniques, with Julia Reyes.

Audiovisual: Art Direction course at Academia Internacional de Cinema (São Paulo, Brazil) and studies in Cinema and Philosophy at the Research and Studies Center of SESC-SP, with film director Daniel Augusto.

Arte e Teoria: studied Funerary Archeology of Ancient Greece and Hermeneutics of Icons at Areté - Center for Hellenic Studies (São Paulo, Brazil).
Attended the series of lectures The Trouble with Visibility: Decolonizing Technology (Media Theory - Angewandte Interdisciplinary Lab, Vienna, Austria).

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