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<< montage - 05/11/2020
Hackeando o Poder: Táticas de guerrilha para artistas do Sul global
(Hacking the Power: Guerrilla Tactics for Artists from the Global South)
Book Info
Organization: Rede NAMI / Language: Portuguese / Number of pages: 240 / ISBN 978-65-5691-092-5 / Editora Cobogó / Book Cover: Bloco Gráfico
Bookbinding: Brochura / Size: 15 x 21 cm / Year of publication: 2023
"Hackeando o poder: Táticas de guerrilha para artistas do Sul global" (Hacking the Power: Guerrilla Tactics for Artists from the Global South), a book aimed at female artists (cis, trans, black, indigenous, peripheral) who wish to enter the art market. Generated from the experience of more than ten years at Rede NAMI, an organization that unites art with social transformation, the book was collectively prepared by artists and art professionals such as Aline Motta, Amanda Carneiro, Keyna Eleison, Panmela Castro, Priscila Rooxo and Rosana Paulino. From the practical and technical to the conceptual and subjective, with texts and images of works, the book discusses essential issues of our time from a decolonial perspective and presents ideas and means for young artists to be able to enter the market and institutional art spaces.
The work @e__madonna, by Nicole Kouts, was selected by curator Carollina Lauriano (@carollinalauriano).
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