artes visuais | visual arts
Trocando Figurinhas: 001 - 500
por Gabriel Pessoto e Nicole Kouts
59x42 cm
Voltei para o meu lugar favorito mas o caminho mudou muito
(I returned to my favorite place but the path has changed a lot)
color, sound
sound design
Mauricio Esposito
+ Nicole Kouts
This artwork is a process of an expedition trough a discontinuous path and at the same time, so continuous as the heart rate, as an accurate programming. Inside this cave to be travelled - or that has already been - there are four sound stages: the hole, the excavation, the coldness and the crystal. With the challenge of letting the ears be teased before the eyes, a synthesized, mechanized and scanned line of sounds was built so that, from auditory perception, existing images were reorganized as a question to retinas in the dark: What is the sound of the brain? What is the sound of the stone? What is the sound inside the screen? What is the sound of doubt?
I returned to my favorite place but the path has changed a lot
The mystery is nothing you can see or think about
The mystery I came looking for I didn't see and I won't find
The origin is contained in the microscopic proportion
In the macro are all the origins
If I try to see too much
I just see
(Nicole Kouts, 2019)